Table pacsdb.public.patient Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
pk int8 19
mpps.patient_fk fk_ofg0lvfxad6r5oigw3y6da27u R
mwl_item.patient_fk fk_vkxtls2wr17wgxnxj7b2fe32 R
patient.merge_fk fk_sk77bwjgaoetvy1pbcgqf08g R
study.patient_fk fk_e3fdaqhw7u60trs5aspf4sna9 R
created_time timestamp 29,6
failed_verifications int4 10
num_studies int4 10
pat_birthdate varchar 255
pat_custom1 varchar 255
pat_custom2 varchar 255
pat_custom3 varchar 255
pat_sex varchar 255
updated_time timestamp 29,6
verification_status int4 10
verification_time timestamp 29,6  √  null
version int8 19  √  null
dicomattrs_fk int8 19 fk_5lgndn3gn7iug3kuewiy9q124 R
merge_fk int8 19  √  null fk_sk77bwjgaoetvy1pbcgqf08g R
patient_id_fk int8 19  √  null fk_39gahcxyursxfxe2ucextr65s R
pat_name_fk int8 19  √  null fk_rj42ffdtimnrcwmqqlvj24gi2 R
resp_person_fk int8 19  √  null fk_56r2g5ggptqgcvb3hl11adke2 R

Table contained 0 rows at Wed Nov 21 11:44 CET 2018

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name Anomalies
pk Primary key Asc patient_pkey  
patient_id_fk Performance Asc fk_39gahcxyursxfxe2ucextr65s  
resp_person_fk Performance Asc fk_56r2g5ggptqgcvb3hl11adke2  
pat_name_fk Performance Asc fk_rj42ffdtimnrcwmqqlvj24gi2  
merge_fk Performance Asc fk_sk77bwjgaoetvy1pbcgqf08g  
pat_birthdate Performance Asc uk_1ho1jyofty54ip8aqpuhi4mu1  
num_studies Performance Asc uk_296rccryifu6d8byisl2f4dvq  
patient_id_fk Must be unique Asc uk_39gahcxyursxfxe2ucextr65s This unique column is also nullable
pat_custom3 Performance Asc uk_3ioui3yamjf01yny98bliqfgs  
pat_sex Performance Asc uk_545wp9un24fhgcy2lcfu1o04y  
dicomattrs_fk Must be unique Asc uk_5lgndn3gn7iug3kuewiy9q124  
pat_custom1 Performance Asc uk_9f2m2lkijm7wi0hpjsime069n  
verification_time Performance Asc uk_bay8wkvwegw3pmyeypv2v93k1  
pat_custom2 Performance Asc uk_dwp6no1c4624yii6sbo59fedg  
verification_status Performance Asc uk_e7rsyrt9n2mccyv1fcd2s6ikv  

Close relationships  within of separation: