Table Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
pk int8 19
rel_study_pcode.study_fk fk_mnahh8fh77d365m6w2x4x3f4q R
series.study_fk fk_1og1krtgxfh207rtqjg0r7pbd R
study_query_attrs.study_fk fk_sxccj81423w8o6w2tsb7nshy9 R
access_control_id varchar 255
access_time timestamp 29,6
accession_no varchar 255
completeness int4 10
created_time timestamp 29,6
expiration_date varchar 255  √  null
ext_retrieve_aet varchar 255
failed_retrieves int4 10
modified_time timestamp 29,6
rejection_state int4 10
study_size int8 19
storage_ids varchar 255  √  null
study_custom1 varchar 255
study_custom2 varchar 255
study_custom3 varchar 255
study_date varchar 255
study_desc varchar 255
study_id varchar 255
study_iuid varchar 255
study_time varchar 255
updated_time timestamp 29,6
version int8 19  √  null
dicomattrs_fk int8 19 fk_5w0oynbw061mwu1rr9mrb6kj4 R
accno_issuer_fk int8 19  √  null fk_lp0rdx659kewq8qrqg702yfyv R
patient_fk int8 19 fk_e3fdaqhw7u60trs5aspf4sna9 R
ref_phys_name_fk int8 19  √  null fk_49eet5qgcsb32ktsqrf1mj3x2 R

Table contained 0 rows at Wed Nov 21 11:44 CET 2018

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
pk Primary key Asc study_pkey
ref_phys_name_fk Performance Asc fk_49eet5qgcsb32ktsqrf1mj3x2
patient_fk Performance Asc fk_e3fdaqhw7u60trs5aspf4sna9
accno_issuer_fk Performance Asc fk_lp0rdx659kewq8qrqg702yfyv
Performance study_desc_upper_idx
study_time Performance Asc uk_16t2xvj9ttyvbwh1ijeve01ii
access_control_id Performance Asc uk_24av2ewa70e7cykl340n63aqd
accession_no Performance Asc uk_2ofn5q0fdfc6941e5j34bplmv
dicomattrs_fk Must be unique Asc uk_5w0oynbw061mwu1rr9mrb6kj4
created_time Performance Asc uk_6ry2squ4qcv129lxpae1oy93m
study_custom3 Performance Asc uk_8xolm3oljt08cuheepwq3fls7
failed_retrieves Performance Asc uk_9qvng5j8xnli8yif7p0rjngb2
study_date Performance Asc uk_a1rewlmf8uxfgshk25f6uawx2
ext_retrieve_aet Performance Asc uk_cl9dmi0kb97ov1cjh7rn3dhve
storage_ids Performance Asc uk_fypbtohf5skbd3bkyd792a6dt
completeness Performance Asc uk_gl5rq54a0tr8nreu27c2t04rb
rejection_state Performance Asc uk_hwu9omd369ju3nufufxd3vof2
study_desc Performance Asc uk_j3q7fkhhiu4bolglyve3lv385
study_custom2 Performance Asc uk_j63d3ip6x4xslkmyks1l89aay
study_custom1 Performance Asc uk_ksy103xef0hokd33y8ux7afxl
expiration_date Performance Asc uk_mlk5pdi8une92kru8g2ppappx
study_iuid Must be unique Asc uk_pt5qn20x278wb1f7p2t3lcxv
study_size Performance Asc uk_q7vxiaj1q6ojfxdq1g9jjxgqv
access_time Performance Asc uk_q8k2sl3kjl18qg1nr19l47tl1

Close relationships  within of separation: