Table pacsdb.public.patient | Generated by SchemaSpy |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Table contained 0 rows at Tue Aug 21 14:01 CEST 2018 |
Column(s) | Type | Sort | Constraint Name | Anomalies |
pk | Primary key | Asc | patient_pkey | |
patient_id_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_39gahcxyursxfxe2ucextr65s | |
resp_person_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_56r2g5ggptqgcvb3hl11adke2 | |
pat_name_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_rj42ffdtimnrcwmqqlvj24gi2 | |
merge_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_sk77bwjgaoetvy1pbcgqf08g | |
pat_birthdate | Performance | Asc | uk_1ho1jyofty54ip8aqpuhi4mu1 | |
num_studies | Performance | Asc | uk_296rccryifu6d8byisl2f4dvq | |
patient_id_fk | Must be unique | Asc | uk_39gahcxyursxfxe2ucextr65s | This unique column is also nullable |
pat_custom3 | Performance | Asc | uk_3ioui3yamjf01yny98bliqfgs | |
pat_sex | Performance | Asc | uk_545wp9un24fhgcy2lcfu1o04y | |
dicomattrs_fk | Must be unique | Asc | uk_5lgndn3gn7iug3kuewiy9q124 | |
pat_custom1 | Performance | Asc | uk_9f2m2lkijm7wi0hpjsime069n | |
pat_custom2 | Performance | Asc | uk_dwp6no1c4624yii6sbo59fedg |