Table pacsdb.public.instance Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
pk int8 19
content_item.instance_fk fk_9kpe6whsov3ur9rph4ih2vi5a R
location.instance_fk fk_hjtlcwsvwihs4khh961d423e7 R
verify_observer.instance_fk fk_qjgrn9rfyyt6sv14utk9ijcfq R
availability int4 10
sr_complete varchar 255
content_date varchar 255
content_time varchar 255
created_time timestamp 29,6
ext_retrieve_aet varchar 255  √  null
inst_custom1 varchar 255
inst_custom2 varchar 255
inst_custom3 varchar 255
inst_no int4 10  √  null
num_frames int4 10  √  null
retrieve_aets varchar 255  √  null
sop_cuid varchar 255
sop_iuid varchar 255
updated_time timestamp 29,6
sr_verified varchar 255
version int8 19  √  null
dicomattrs_fk int8 19 fk_jxfu47kwjk3kkkyrwewjw8a4n R
srcode_fk int8 19  √  null fk_7w6f9bi2w91qr2abl6ddxnrwq R
reject_code_fk int8 19  √  null fk_6pnwsvi69g5ypye6gjo26vn7e R
series_fk int8 19 fk_s4tgrew4sh4qxoupmk3gihtrk R

Table contained 0 rows at Thu Dec 21 12:28 CET 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
pk Primary key Asc instance_pkey
reject_code_fk Performance Asc fk_6pnwsvi69g5ypye6gjo26vn7e
srcode_fk Performance Asc fk_7w6f9bi2w91qr2abl6ddxnrwq
series_fk Performance Asc fk_s4tgrew4sh4qxoupmk3gihtrk
series_fk + sop_iuid Must be unique Asc/Asc uk_247lgirehl8i2vuanyfjnuyjb
content_date Performance Asc uk_5ikkfk17vijvsvtyied2xa225
sop_cuid Performance Asc uk_dglm8ndp9y9i0uo6fgaa5rhbb
sop_iuid Performance Asc uk_eg0khesxr81gdimwhjiyrylw7
inst_custom1 Performance Asc uk_fncb1s641rrnoek7j47k0j06n
sr_complete Performance Asc uk_gisd09x31lphi4437hwgh7ihg
dicomattrs_fk Must be unique Asc uk_jxfu47kwjk3kkkyrwewjw8a4n
inst_no Performance Asc uk_ouh6caecancvsa05lknojy30j
content_time Performance Asc uk_pck1ovyd4t96mjkbbw6f8jiam
inst_custom3 Performance Asc uk_q5i0hxt1iyahxjiroux2h8imm
sr_verified Performance Asc uk_qh8jqpe8ulsb5t7iv24scho00
inst_custom2 Performance Asc uk_rr1ro1oxv6s4riib9hjkcuvuo

Close relationships  within of separation: