Table pacsdb.public.mwl_item | Generated by SchemaSpy |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Table contained 0 rows at Fri Aug 06 17:54 CEST 2021 |
Column(s) | Type | Sort | Constraint Name |
pk | Primary key | Asc | mwl_item_pkey |
perf_phys_name_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_44qwwvs50lgpog2cqmicxgt1f |
admid_issuer_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_9k8x73a91nd9q7ux7h5itkyh5 |
dept_code_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_hqecoo67sflk190dxyc0hnf0c |
accno_issuer_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_ot32lpvialton54xqh636c4it |
inst_code_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_t4vpsywvy0axeutmdgc0ye3nk |
patient_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_vkxtls2wr17wgxnxj7b2fe32 |
sps_id | Performance | Asc | uk_2odo3oah39o400thy9bf0rgv0 |
sps_status | Performance | Asc | uk_3oigo76r1a7et491bkci96km8 |
dicomattrs_fk | Must be unique | Asc | uk_6qj8tkh6ib9w2pjqwvqe23ko |
institution | Performance | Asc | uk_8qkftk7n30hla3v1frep9vg2q |
local_aet | Performance | Asc | uk_9ockpkbetj7a97for0s1jhasi |
sps_start_date | Performance | Asc | uk_9oh3yd4prp9sfys4n0p2kd69y |
updated_time | Performance | Asc | uk_d0v5hjn1crha2nqbws4wj0yoj |
study_iuid | Performance | Asc | uk_fpfq8q514gsime2dl8oo773d4 |
req_proc_id | Performance | Asc | uk_kedi0qimmvs83af3jxk471uxn |
department | Performance | Asc | uk_ksy3uy0rvpis1sqqeojlet7lb |
study_iuid + sps_id | Must be unique | Asc/Asc | uk_lerlqlaghhcs0oaj5irux4qig |
sps_start_time | Performance | Asc | uk_m20xnkg1iqetifvuegehbhekm |
accession_no | Performance | Asc | uk_pw8h1b4sac2sr9estyqr82pcf |
modality | Performance | Asc | uk_q28149iaxebyt3de2h5sm2bgl |
admission_id | Performance | Asc | uk_tlkw80b7pbutfj19vh6et2vs7 |