Table pacsdb.public.series | Generated by SchemaSpy |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Table contained 0 rows at Tue Jul 30 14:23 CEST 2019 |
Column(s) | Type | Sort | Constraint Name |
pk | Primary key | Asc | series_pkey |
study_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_1og1krtgxfh207rtqjg0r7pbd |
perf_phys_name_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_5n4bxxb2xa7bvvq26ao7wihky |
inst_code_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_oiq81nulcmtg6p85iu31igtf5 |
metadata_fk | Performance | Asc | fk_pu4p7k1o9hleuk9rmxvw2ybj6 |
Performance | series_desc_upper_idx | ||
compress_time | Performance | Asc | uk_38mfgfnjhan2yhnwqtcrawe4 |
completeness | Performance | Asc | uk_4lnegvfs65fbkjn7nmg9s8usy |
metadata_update_failures | Performance | Asc | uk_6xqpk4cvy49wj41p2qwixro8w |
series_no | Performance | Asc | uk_75oc6w5ootkuwyvmrhe3tbown |
institution | Performance | Asc | uk_82qea56c0kdhod3b1wu8wbrny |
study_fk + series_iuid | Must be unique | Asc/Asc | uk_83y2fx8cou17h3xggxspgikna |
compress_failures | Performance | Asc | uk_889438ocqfrvybu3k2eo65lpa |
series_iuid | Performance | Asc | uk_9fi64g5jjycg9dp24jjk5txg1 |
inst_purge_time | Performance | Asc | uk_a8vyikwd972jomyb3f6brcfh5 |
series_desc | Performance | Asc | uk_achxn1rtfm3fbkkswlsyr75t0 |
pps_start_time | Performance | Asc | uk_amr00xwlatxewgj1sjp5mnf76 |
modality | Performance | Asc | uk_b126hub0dc1o9dqp6awoispx2 |
dicomattrs_fk | Must be unique | Asc | uk_bdj2kuutidekc2en6dckev7l6 |
department | Performance | Asc | uk_bqu32v5v76p4qi0etptnrm0pc |
series_custom3 | Performance | Asc | uk_d8b8irasiw8eh9tsigmwkbvae |
inst_purge_state | Performance | Asc | uk_er4ife08f6eaki91gt3hxt5e |
stgver_time | Performance | Asc | uk_ftv3ijh2ud6ogoknneyqc6t9i |
body_part | Performance | Asc | uk_gwp46ofa26am9ohhccq1ohdj |
series_custom1 | Performance | Asc | uk_hm39592a9n7m54dgso17irlhv |
metadata_update_time | Performance | Asc | uk_hwkcpd7yv0nca7o918wm4bn69 |
expiration_state | Performance | Asc | uk_ih49lthl3udoca5opvgsdcerj |
failed_retrieves | Performance | Asc | uk_j6aadbh7u93bpmv18s1inrl1r |
rejection_state | Performance | Asc | uk_jlgy9ifvqak4g2bxkchismw8x |
sop_cuid | Performance | Asc | uk_mrn00m45lkq1xbehmbw5d9jbl |
station_name | Performance | Asc | uk_pq1yi70ftxhh391lhcq3e08nf |
series_custom2 | Performance | Asc | uk_q3wayt2ke25fdcghaohhrjiu7 |
pps_start_date | Performance | Asc | uk_rvlxc150uexwmr1l9ojp8fgd |
stgver_failures | Performance | Asc | uk_s1vceb8cu9c45j0q8tbldgol9 |
expiration_date | Performance | Asc | uk_ta3pi6exqft5encv389hwjytw |
tsuid | Performance | Asc | uk_tahx0q1ejidnsam40ans7oecx |
laterality | Performance | Asc | uk_tbdrfrmkmifsqhpf43065jrbs |